Nice to meet you!

I'm currently wrapping up a PhD in computational genetics.

I have a broad interest in building software of tomorrow for all kinds of research applications — alternative asset markets, DNA biobanks, and more. I'm excited and highly motivated to take on new challenges at new scale.

🚧 🔨 🏗️ 🚧 🧱 🦺 🚧

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My doctoral work in the Below Lab involves innovation in genetic relatedness analysis.
I have developed and contributed as a first author to publications on software that leverages biobank scale identity-by-descent (IBD) data to characterize novel disease-gene associations, build family pedigrees in sparse datasets, and more.


Built with: Python, Perl, PLINK, Docker

Overview: Pedigree generation software that maximizes the utility of two different kinds of genomic segment metadata: global sharing proportions from PRIMUS and segment length & distribution from ERSA.

IBDMap visualization


Built with: C++, Python, SQLite

Overview: Scalable map-reduce approach to identifying IBD segment-based enrichment of binary trait disease case status in large datasets. We enable phenome-wide analysis that outperforms traditional association-based methods like GWAS.


Genetic Data Simulator

Built with: Python, Perl, PLINK, Docker

Overview: All-encompassing software pipeline to generate simulated genomic data for families, variable by ancestral background, data sparsity, and more.

Genetic Data Simulator


Vanderbilt Vanderbilt University School of Medicine | Doctoral Candidate, Human Genetics

  ↳ Teaching Assistant, Python (2021-2022)
  ↳ Award Recipient, Big Biomedical Data Science Training Program (2020-2021)
  ↳ Award Recipient, Dean's Award (2019-2020)

Duke Duke University | B.S., Biology with Distinction |  Class of 2019

  ↳ Award Recipient, Dean's List (2017, 2019)
  ↳ Vice President, Table Tennis (2016-2017)
  ↳ Event Coordinator, Duke Medical Entrepreneurship (2016)


I have published two research manuscripts as a first author, two as a supporting author, and contributed to dozens of conference abstracts and presentations. I additionally have two first author manuscripts in preparation that cover the extent of my thesis aims. More information is available on my Google Scholar profile.